I’m Feeling Doodly: A new Google Button 2023

“I’m Feeling Doodly” is a newly updated button by Google. This button mainly appears on Google Homepage. We will discuss all this Google Doodle button “I’m Feeling Doodly” in this article. Because Our Website SEO Focus point is all about Search Engine Optimization(SEO). We have to know all updates of the Search Engine. That’s why we are writing this article. Let’s start with our topics.

What is I’m Feeling Doodly?

You may remember the most famous Google Button  “I’m Feeling Lucky” Our new button “I’m Feeling Doodly” is almost similar to it & appear in the same position on the Google home page. This button is situated just beside on Search Button.

I'm Feeling Doodly

If you click the “I’m Feeling Lucky” or “I’m Feeling Doodly” button leads you to a whole new world of amazing artwork on the Google Doodle page.

What is Google Doodle?

Google Doodle is a special, temporary modification of the Google logo that appears on the search engine’s homepage to celebrate holidays, events, achievements, and notable historical figures. It is essentially a creative and artistic way for Google to acknowledge and honor important people and events that have shaped our world and culture.

Google Doodle

The first Google Doodle was created in 1998 to commemorate the Burning Man Festival, and since then, the tradition has grown, with thousands of doodles created to celebrate various events and people from around the world. Some doodles are interactive, featuring games or puzzles, while others are static images that highlight a particular event or person.

Google Doodle has become an iconic part of the Google search engine, and it has helped to raise awareness about important issues and historical events. Each doodle is created by a team of artists and designers, and the selection of the events and people to be featured is based on a wide range of factors, including cultural significance and historical importance.

Types of Google Doodle on I’m Feeling Doodly

There are several types of Google Doodles on I’m Feeling Doodly that have been created over the years. Here are some of the most common types:

Holiday Doodles

Holiday Doodles are a type of Google Doodle on I’m Feeling Doodly that is created to celebrate national and international holidays. These Doodles often feature elements related to the holiday, such as symbols, traditions, and cultural motifs.

Some of the most common holidays that have been celebrated with Google Doodles include Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving. However, Google has also created Doodles for lesser-known holidays and observances, such as Pi Day, International Women’s Day, and World Teachers’ Day.

Holiday Doodles

Holiday Doodles can range from simple illustrations to complex animations and interactive games, and they often reflect the diversity of cultures and traditions around the world. By featuring these holidays on its homepage, Google helps to raise awareness and promote cultural understanding and appreciation.

Event /Historical Doodles

Event Doodles are a type of creative artwork that Google creates to commemorate significant events and anniversaries. These unique Doodles often feature historical figures, cultural landmarks, or moments that have had a major impact on society and culture.

Some of the most popular events celebrated with Google Doodles on I’m Feeling Doodly include the Olympics, the World Cup, Earth Day, and the Academy Awards. Google has also created Doodles for lesser-known events, such as the 50th anniversary of the first-ever spacewalk and the 60th anniversary of the discovery of DNA’s double helix structure.

Event Doodles are designed to educate and entertain users, bringing important historical moments to life in a fun and engaging way. They can range from simple illustrations to complex animations and interactive games, with each Doodle highlighting the significance and impact of the event being commemorated.

By featuring these events on its homepage, Google helps to promote awareness and appreciation for the achievements and milestones that have shaped our world. Event Doodles are a unique way to learn more about history and culture while enjoying a fun and interactive online experience.

Anniversary Doodles

Anniversary Doodles of I’m Feeling Doodly are a special type of Google Doodle that celebrates the birthday or anniversary of an individual, invention, or significant event. These Doodles typically feature a creative and visually appealing design that highlights the achievements and impact of the person or event being honored.

Anniversary Doodles have been created to celebrate a wide range of people and events, including historical figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Amelia Earhart, iconic movies like The Wizard of Oz and Star Trek, and groundbreaking inventions like the first barcode and the first computer mouse.

The design of Anniversary Doodles can range from simple illustrations to complex animations and interactive games, depending on the significance of the event or individual being honored. The Doodles often incorporate symbols, images, and themes that are associated with the person or event, making them both informative and visually appealing.

By featuring Anniversary Doodles on its homepage, Google helps to raise awareness and appreciation for the accomplishments and contributions of the people and events that have shaped our world. These Doodles provide a unique and engaging way for users to learn about history and culture while enjoying a fun and interactive online experience.

Interactive Doodles

Interactive Doodles are a type of I’m Feeling Doodly Doodle that allows users to directly interact with the artwork. These Doodles often feature games, quizzes, or other activities that encourage user engagement and participation.

Interactive Doodles can take many different forms and may be designed to commemorate a variety of events, such as holidays, anniversaries, and significant historical moments. Some popular examples of Interactive Doodles include the Pac-Man game Doodle, the interactive Rubik’s Cube Doodle, and the multiplayer game Doodle for the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Interactive Doodles of I’m Feeling Doodly are designed to be both fun and educational, offering users a unique way to learn and engage with the world around them. These Doodles often incorporate historical or cultural themes, providing users with an opportunity to explore different aspects of human history and creativity.

By featuring Interactive Doodles on its homepage, Google helps to promote creativity, learning, and engagement among its users. These Doodles are a unique and exciting way for users to interact with Google and learn about various topics while enjoying a fun and engaging online experience.

Localized Doodles

Localized Doodles are a type of I’m Feeling Doodly Google Doodle that is specifically designed for a particular region or country. These Doodles often incorporate local culture, history, and traditions, and are created to commemorate events or individuals that are particularly significant to a specific region or country.

Localized Doodles may be created for holidays, national celebrations, or important historical events that are specific to a particular region. These Doodles are often created in collaboration with local artists, historians, and cultural experts to ensure that they accurately represent the culture and traditions of the region.

Some examples of Localized Doodles include the Doodle for India’s Independence Day, which featured images of the Indian flag and traditional dancers, and the Doodle for Mexico’s National Day, which incorporated images of the country’s national symbols and landmarks.

By featuring Localized Doodles on its homepage, Google helps to promote cultural awareness and appreciation among its users. These Doodles provide a unique and engaging way for users to learn about different cultures and traditions from around the world, while also celebrating the events and individuals that are important to specific regions or countries.

Cause-related Doodles

Cause-related Doodles are a type of Google Doodle that is designed to raise awareness and support for social causes and issues. These Doodles are created in collaboration with non-profit organizations and advocacy groups and are used to draw attention to important social, environmental, or humanitarian issues.

Cause-related I’m Feeling Doodly Doodles may be created to support a wide range of causes, such as environmental protection, human rights, public health, and social justice. Some examples of Cause-related Doodles include the Doodle for World Water Day, which was created to raise awareness about the global water crisis, and the Doodle for Earth Day, which highlighted the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability.

These Doodles are often created in collaboration with experts and organizations working in the field and may provide information and resources to help users learn more about the cause being highlighted. They may also provide opportunities for users to donate to relevant charities or take action to support the cause in other ways.

By featuring Cause-related I’m Feeling Doodly Doodles on its homepage, Google helps to promote social awareness and engagement among its users. These Doodles provide a unique and powerful platform for non-profit organizations and advocacy groups to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize support for their cause.

Why I’m Feeling Doodly Google Doodle is Important?

I’m Feeling Doodly Google Doodle is important for the following reasons:

  • Celebrates cultural and historical events that are significant to the world
  • Engages and entertains users with interactive and fun content
  • Provides educational content to promote learning and knowledge
  • Supports social causes and advocacy to raise awareness and mobilize support
  • Showcases a diverse range of art styles and perspectives from around the world
  • Promotes cultural awareness and understanding among users
  • Creates a unique and memorable user experience
  • Highlights important individuals and achievements that may be overlooked
  • Allows users to learn about and appreciate different cultures and traditions
  • Demonstrates Google’s commitment to creativity, innovation, and social responsibility

Overall, Google Doodle is an important tool for promoting cultural awareness, education, and social engagement, while also providing users with an entertaining and memorable online experience.

History of Google Doodle

The history of Google Doodle dates back to 1998 when Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin created a simple doodle of a stick figure behind the second ‘O’ in the Google logo to indicate that they were attending the Burning Man festival in Nevada. This playful idea was well received by Google users, and the concept of Google Doodle was born.

Over the years, Google Doodle has evolved into a global phenomenon, with a team of artists and engineers dedicated to creating new and innovative designs for each Doodle. The first official Google Doodle was created in 2000 when the team designed a Doodle for Bastille Day, the French national holiday. Since then, Google has created thousands of Doodles to celebrate various cultural events, historical milestones, and other special occasions.

One of the earliest milestones in the history of Google Doodle was the first animated Doodle, which was created for Halloween in 1999. Since then, Google has continued to push the boundaries of what’s possible with its Doodles, creating interactive designs, 3D animations, and even virtual reality experiences.

Google Doodle has also been used to promote social causes and advocacy, with Cause-related Doodles highlighting issues such as climate change, social justice, and public health. The team behind Google Doodle has also worked to make its designs more inclusive and representative of diverse cultures and perspectives, with designs featuring artwork and traditions from around the world.

Overall, the history of Google Doodle is a testament to Google’s commitment to creativity, innovation, and social responsibility, as well as its dedication to providing a fun and memorable online experience for its users.

The I’m Feeling Doodly or “I’m Feeling Lucky” button is a feature on the Google search engine that takes you directly to the first search result for a particular query, bypassing the search results page. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to the Google search engine homepage at www.google.com.
  2. Type in your search query in the search bar, like you normally would.
  3. Instead of hitting the “Google Search” button, click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” or “I’m Feeling Doodly” button next to it.
  4. Google will then take you directly to the first search result for your query & amazing Google Doodles page.

I'm Feeling Doodly

Keep in mind that this feature only works if Google is confident that the first search result is the most relevant and useful for your query. If you want to see the search results page and explore more options, use the “Google Search” button instead.

The “I’m Feeling Lucky” Or “I’m Feeling Doodly” button can be a fun way to discover new and interesting websites and information, as well as save time by taking you directly to the most relevant search result. Give it a try next time you’re searching on Google!


At the end of the article, we may be clear about the concept of “I’m Feeling Doodly”. It is simply a Button Like “I’m Feeling Lucky” on the Google Search page beside Search Button. If you have any questions about our Topics, you may feel free to ask in the comment section. We recommend you to Subscribe Our Newsletter by Providing your email, You will get notify our latest article & Secret SEO tips, Tricks.



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