Bard vs ChatGPT: Which AI Reigns Supreme in 2024?

Bard vs ChatGPT which one is best in this revolution of AI? This is the big question for all digital marketers. Today we will find the actual answer through our comprehensive research. If you read this blog, you will no longer ask this question.

What is Bard(Gemini)?

In February of 2023, Google released an artificial intelligence bot, Bard. Bard went through a name change recently! it was formerly called Bard, but now it is known as Gemini. It is a large language model created by Google AI, designed to have conversations with users.


According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, “The technology can combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge and draw on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality responses.”

That means, Bard serves as an experimental conversational AI service, offering refined responses to questions and delivering information akin to Google search. This is also a Powerful SEO Tool to understand the nature of search Engine.

Here’s a quick rundown of what Gemini can do:

  • Answer your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, using real-time information from the web.
  • Create different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc.
  • Translate languages.
  • Help you with your writing needs by suggesting edits or continuations.

Think of Bard as a search engine that can not only find information but also understand and respond to it conversationally.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is the conversational variant of OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models. It’s an AI language model designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. ChatGPT is trained on a diverse range of internet text, allowing it to understand and generate responses on a wide variety of topics. It’s capable of engaging in conversations, answering questions, providing explanations, and even generating creative content like stories or poems.

ChatGPT 3.5

Here’s a quick rundown of what ChatGPT can do:

  • Generates Text: Creates different creative text formats like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, etc.
  • Answers Questions: Provide informative responses, though knowledge might be limited to pre-2022 information.
  • Creative Strengths: Particularly excels at long-form content generation and creative writing. Paid versions can analyze images and potentially offer more features.
  • Free Version Limitations: May have limitations on word count or functionalities.

Bard vs ChatGPT’s main differences

The main differences between Bard and ChatGPT lie in their developers and specific functionalities. Bard is developed by Google, while ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI. Additionally, we can discuss as follows


Aspect Bard(Gemini) ChatGPT
Functionality Historical poet/storyteller. AI language model for text generation.
Learning Traditional education and practice. Machine learning on vast text data.
Output Poetry, storytelling, music. Text-based responses on various topics.
Interaction Human-to-human or performance. Human-to-AI conversation.
Domain Historical and cultural contexts. General-purpose text generation.
Realism Emulates human creativity and emotion. Emulates human-like responses.
Scalability Limited by human capacity and knowledge. Scalable to vast knowledge and text data.
Creativity Subject to human inspiration and culture. Based on patterns in large text datasets.
Consistency Varied depending on the individual bard. Consistent across interactions.
Accessibility Limited to specific cultures and historical periods. Globally accessible through digital platforms.


Bard vs ChatGPT Comparison

Both Bard and ChatGPT are large language models that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. Here’s a breakdown of how they compare:

Underlying Technology:


  • Bard: Up-to-date information due to real-time internet access, excels at answering questions, user-friendly interface, allows editing prompts.
  • ChatGPT: More creative text formats, better for long-form content generation, can analyze images (with paid versions).


  • Bard: Can be less creative than ChatGPT for some tasks.
  • ChatGPT: Knowledge may not be current after 2022 (limited internet access), the free version has a word limit.

Other Considerations:

  • Cost: Bard is free, while ChatGPT has a free tier with limitations and paid tiers with more features.
  • User Interface: Bard is known for its user-friendly interface and formatted text.

Features of Google Bard (Gemini)

To compare Bard vs ChatGPT it is important to explain the Features of Google Gemini (Bard) and ChatGPT as well. all the features we will explain with several examples for your clear understanding.

Bard extensions

Google continuously enhances Bard’s capabilities, introducing its latest innovation—Bard Extensions. This chatbot seamlessly integrates with your Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Drive accounts, and beyond, pulling relevant information to streamline your tasks and interactions.

Consider this scenario: Imagine you’re organizing a team-building retreat to a remote cabin in the mountains.

Instead of toggling between various apps and messaging platforms to coordinate schedules and logistics, leverage Google Bard’s AI prowess.

This AI-driven assistant will:

  1. Retrieve everyone’s availability directly from your team’s shared calendar.
  2. Scout for nearby lodging options and their availability.
  3. Coordinate transportation by fetching real-time driving directions and estimated travel times.
  4. Offer curated recommendations for team-building activities and local attractions.

With Google Bard’s seamless integration and intelligent assistance, planning your team getaway becomes a breeze.

Assistant with Bard

Google Bard introduces a groundbreaking feature: Assistant in Bard. It seamlessly combines a personalized assistant that listens to you with generative AI technology that engages in reasoning and response.

Interact with this tool using text, voice, or images to access your personalized assistant.

Here’s a practical example of the Assistant in Google Bard’s capabilities:

Imagine you’re eager to share a photo of your adorable puppy on social media, but you’re stumped for a clever caption.

Enter Assistant with Bard.

Simply overlay the tool on your photo and ask it to craft a quick social media post for you. Utilizing the image as the primary visual cue, Assistant with Bard will curate a contextual post tailored to your needs.

This innovative conversational overlay marks a pioneering move, unmatched by any other brand to date!

“Google it” (G) button

Google Bard is enhancing the search experience with the introduction of the “Google it” button. When seeking assistance from Bard, clicking on this button will now unveil a section titled “Search related topics.” Here, you’ll find one, two, three, or more search phrases to delve deeper into topics of interest using Google Search.

Explore related topics in Bard. Once more, clicking on the “Google it” button within Bard will present you with “search related topics,” offering several search phrases that Google deems helpful for your quest.

According to Google, they have “expanded the suggested Search topics accessible via ‘Google it,'” allowing users to explore a wider array of interests with additional related topics.

Google it

Conversational Overlay

The Conversational Overlay feature in Google Bard refers to an interface that allows users to interact with the AI tool using natural language, voice commands, or images conversationally.

Essentially, instead of traditional input methods like typing text into a search bar, users can engage with Bard as if they were having a conversation with another person. This conversational interface aims to make interactions with the AI tool more intuitive and user-friendly, mimicking human-to-human communication as closely as possible.

With the Conversational Overlay, users can ask questions, provide instructions, or share information using speech, text, or even images. The AI model behind Bard processes this input, understands the user’s intent, and generates appropriate responses or actions accordingly.

Instead of typing your query into a search bar, you activate the Conversational Overlay and speak or type your request in natural language, like you would when talking to a friend. For example, you might say or type, “Hey Bard, what’s the weather going to be like in New York City next weekend?”

Bard’s AI model processes your query, understands your intent, and retrieves the relevant information from its database or external sources. It then generates a response tailored to your request, providing you with the weather forecast for New York City for the specified dates.

You can continue the conversation by asking follow-up questions or requesting additional information, all within the same conversational interface. This allows for a seamless and intuitive interaction with Google Bard, making it easier and more natural to get the information you need.

Contextual Responses

Contextual responses refer to the ability of Google Bard to generate relevant and personalized answers or actions based on the context of the user’s query or interaction. Essentially, Bard analyzes the conversation flow, the user’s previous interactions, and other contextual cues to provide more accurate and helpful responses.

Here’s an example to illustrate contextual responses:

Imagine you’re using Google Bard to plan a weekend getaway to a beach destination. You start by asking Bard, “What are some popular beach destinations?”

Bard responds with a list of popular beach destinations around the world, including Hawaii, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean.

Following up on the conversation, you ask, “How’s the weather in Hawaii in March?”

Instead of treating this as a standalone query, Bard recognizes the context of your previous question about beach destinations. It understands that you’re likely interested in the weather for a potential trip to Hawaii. Therefore, Bard provides a specific weather forecast for Hawaii in March, taking into account the context of your travel plans.

This example demonstrates how Google Bard’s contextual responses enhance the user experience by understanding the context of the conversation and tailoring its responses accordingly. It allows for a more natural and seamless interaction, where Bard can anticipate the user’s needs and provide more relevant and personalized assistance.


Features of ChatGPT

ChatGPT represents a significant advancement in AI-driven language processing, offering a glimpse into the potential of machine learning to enhance communication, creativity, and productivity in diverse fields and industries. Today, our comparison is Bard vs ChatGPT. To clarify this manner we may explain some Features of ChatGPT.

Natural Language Understanding

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) refers to the ability of a computer system to comprehend and interpret human language in a way that is meaningful and contextually relevant. This involves understanding the structure of sentences, extracting important information, and deriving the intended meaning from the input text. Here’s an example to illustrate NLU:


User: “Can you recommend a good Italian restaurant in New York City?”

In this example, the NLU component of the system needs to analyze the user’s input to understand several key pieces of information:

  1. Intent: The user intends to find a good Italian restaurant.
  2. Location: The user is specifically interested in restaurants in New York City.
  3. Preference: The user is looking for a recommendation based on a specific cuisine.

The NLU component parses the user’s input and extracts these pieces of information. It recognizes the intent behind the user’s query and identifies the relevant entities (Italian cuisine, New York City) necessary to fulfill the request. Based on this understanding, the system can then generate a response that addresses the user’s query, such as recommending a list of Italian restaurants in New York City.

NLU enables the system to understand natural language inputs from users and take appropriate actions or provide relevant responses based on that understanding. It’s a crucial component of conversational AI systems, allowing them to interact with users in a more human-like and effective manner.

Generative Abilities

Generative abilities refer to a system’s capacity to produce new content, such as text, images, or music, based on a given input or context. One prominent example of generative abilities is demonstrated by language models like ChatGPT. Here’s an example to illustrate generative abilities in the context of text generation:



In this example, the language model (such as ChatGPT) generates a short story based on the prompt provided. It uses its generative abilities to create a narrative that fits the theme of a mysterious old bookstore, inventing characters, setting scenes, and crafting plot twists to engage the reader. These generative abilities enable the model to produce creative and contextually relevant content in response to a given input or prompt.

Knowledge Comprehension

Knowledge comprehension refers to a system’s capability to understand and process information from a diverse range of sources, including text, data, and multimedia, to extract meaningful insights or provide relevant responses. ChatGPT demonstrates knowledge comprehension by being able to comprehend and discuss a wide array of topics. Here’s an example to illustrate knowledge comprehension:


User: “Can you explain the concept of black holes?”

Generated Response: A black hole is a region in space with such intense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. It forms when a massive star collapses. The core becomes a singularity surrounded by an event horizon. Objects crossing the event horizon get pulled in, experiencing extreme gravitational forces. Black holes vary in size, from stellar to supermassive. They can be detected by their effects on nearby objects. Studying black holes provides insights into space, time, and gravity.

24/7 Availability

24/7 availability means that a service or system is accessible and operational at any time of day, every day of the week, without interruption. ChatGPT, for example, can be accessed and interacted with at any time, providing assistance or engaging in conversation whenever needed. Here’s an example to illustrate 24/7 availability:


User: “Hey, are you available to chat right now?”

Generated Response: “Absolutely! I’m here 24/7, ready to assist you with any questions or conversations you’d like to have.”

In this example, ChatGPT emphasizes its 24/7 availability by responding promptly to the user’s inquiry and assuring them that it is always accessible for conversation or assistance. This demonstrates that users can engage with ChatGPT at any time, whether it’s during the day, in the middle of the night, or on weekends, making it a reliable and convenient resource whenever they need support or companionship.

Which AI Reigns Supreme in 2024 ( Final Thoughts)

  • For factual accuracy and up-to-date info: Bard
  • For creative writing and long-form content: ChatGPT (consider paid tiers for more features)
  • For user-friendliness and free use: Bard
  • Writing Code in various programming languages: ChatGPT

Our Consideration by comparing Bard vs ChatGPT, Google Bard, or Gemini reigns supreme in 2024 due to recent update information and free of cost.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs.

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